Land of Plenty - Fotos
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© 2003 Reverse Angle International / IFC All Rights Reserved

All photos by Donata Wenders

(When using the photographs please use the appropriate captions and include the copyright mentioned above)

Permission is granted to newspapers and periodicals to reproduce these press materials in articles publicizing the distribution of the Motion Picture. All other use is strictly prohibited, including sale, duplication, or other transfer of this material.

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Land of Plenty- Fotos

Michelle Williams als Lana  


John Diehl als Paul



John Diehl als Paul und Michelle Williams als Lana Richard Edson


Wendell Pierce as Henry and John Diehl as Paul Michelle Williams, Wendell Pierce and Burt Young Burt Young as Sherman and Michelle Williams as Lana


Wim Wenders und Franz Lustig Michelle Williams and Wim Wenders Wim Wenders